Digital Artifact (Poetry Unit)

09/01/2014 13:45



    Tone encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work. In this video, the narrator reads Robert Frost's poems aloud to express the real meaning behind his words. Poem's are written through the authour's mind, and how could a reader understand that by just staring at black words on white paper? To really grasp the meaning of a poem, the tone is what aids us in comprehending the authour's emotions behind the words. In this artifact you can really hear what Robert Frost was trying to portray in his poetry all because of the tone of the narrator.


Summary/explanation of specific skills/learning outcomes that artifact demonstrates:

    This artifact helps to explain the importance of tone and how it can tweak or alter the readers interpretation of the poem. Author's usually write their poetry with knowing they will be presenting their poem to his/her audience in their own tone and voice. When one speaks of tone in connection with language, we consider this to be an element in which the writer expresses his or her own attitude when presenting the poem.This artifact demonstrates the skill of being able to comprehend what the author is trying to communicate with his audience or readers. The idea of being able to hear the author's voice and attitude towards his own poetry makes it much clearer to understand what the real theme or message behind the poem is.


Challenges or areas for continued learning:

    This artifact portrays many important aspects of tone in literature. Although I understand how tone works, I really need to challenge myself to learn and to adapt to using tone in my own presentations to full effect. How else will people understand what I have to say if I don't express it how I feel about it? Tone will help my angles on poetry expand and become more versatile.